A good lawn care regimen includes aerating the lawn. A great way to have your lawn in Texas aerated is through liquid aeration. It involves applying a special liquid treatment over your lawn that will sink into the ground, breaking down hard, compacted soil to improve its nutrient uptake. Liquid aeration will also help encourage stronger and deeper roots that will set up your lawn for long-term success. The best time to aerate your lawn via liquid treatments is in the spring to assist your grass in getting out of winter dormancy and help it prepare for the taxing summer heat. It should be done every year to ensure the soil is loose enough every growing season so the roots of your grass can easily access vital nutrients and other resources.
What does liquid aeration involve, and how does it benefit your lawn?

Liquid aeration is a method of aerating your lawn that involves applying a liquid treatment over your entire turf. As the treatment is sprayed, it will seep into the ground, creating tiny pores in the soil to loosen densely compacted soil. Because of this, it's highly crucial to ensure the liquid aeration treatment is administered evenly throughout the entire lawn to yield good results.
Addressing soil compaction increases the space between soil particles, making the ground more porous to receive beneficial resources like nutrients, water, air, and sunlight. This means the roots of your grass will have better access to resources that will boost its health. What's more, liquid aeration helps stimulate deeper, stronger root development so your lawn has a robust, stable foundation for healthy growth.
When should you apply a liquid aeration treatment?
The best time to apply a liquid aeration treatment on your lawn is in the spring. During the winter season, your lawn enters dormancy and is in a weakened, vulnerable state. In the spring, it will come out for dormancy to enter the new growing season, needing all the help it can get to start it off on the right foot. Liquid aeration in the spring is a non-invasive way to kickstart its growth and give it top-notch access to the nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy.
Another important reason to have your lawn treated with liquid aeration in the spring is to help it build up its strength for the summer season. Summers carry intense heat that can be detrimental to your lawn's health. A liquid aeration treatment in the spring gives your grass enough time to absorb nutrients, get strong, and improve its resistance to tolerate the stressful summer heat!
How often should you aerate your lawn via liquid treatments?
If you want your lawn to stay consistently healthy, it's best to aerate it via liquid aeration treatments every year. Soil compaction can happen easily because of heavy foot or machinery traffic and precipitation, putting your lawn at risk of not being able to efficiently absorb vital resources. By having your lawn aerated via liquid treatments annually, you can be confident that its roots always have optimum access to nutrients, water, air, and sunlight to maintain its tip-top health.
Call us today to sign up for our liquid aeration service!
Our team at Dr. Tex Lawn & Pest offers a liquid aeration service to commercial and residential property owners, as well as HOAs, in Austin, Round Rock, Cedar Park, Pflugerville, TX, and nearby areas. This service involves treating your lawn with a special liquid aeration treatment to reduce soil compaction. We offer this service in the spring and fall to maintain your lawn's good access to vital resources through impactful seasonal changes during the year. Give us a call today at (512) 717-5071 to sign up for our liquid aeration service!
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